Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!!!

Welcome to 2014!!!  I hope that everyone had a fun and wonderful holiday season!  I wish you and yours a safe, successful, and most wonderful 2014!

When I started this blog, I had said that I would probably have some trouble keeping up with making posts, which is apparently the case! So, in the interest of keeping up a blog, I have updated my resolutions list:

New Years Resolutions:
1 - Transition from writing 2013 (accidentally) to 2014 in 20 days or less.
2 - Read at least 12 books this year.
(Edit) 3 -  Update this blog at least bi-weekly pre-trip.

...Hopefully these resolutions will last longer than most peoples' "exercise more" resolutions!

As you know, this summer I will be bicycling across the country and will be stopping along the way to help build houses with affordable housing organizations. While the time spent building houses is significant, that's not all that the trip is about.  Here's an excerpt from the Bike & Build website:

Creating a Connection
From the moment that you sign up for one of our trips to when you reach your final destination, our organization strives to create a connection between the two aspects of our program: biking and building. As you ride you'll find that the two roles compliment and reinforce each other.
By virtue of completing a long-distance bike tour, you will assist and enable affordable housing efforts throughout the nation. As you travel you'll stop to talk with people about your summer, our program, and the housing landscape. You'll take breaks to work on construction sites and give town-hall style presentations to people throughout the country. You'll review, evaluate, and choose to fund grant proposals our organization receives. You'll find that traveling by bicycle - especially on a trip of this magnitude - is a great way to promote the housing cause, and you'll receive publicity and attention that you would not have seen off of your bikes.

Yes, we could have fundraisers to donate straight to affordable housing, but that's not what this trip is about.  This trip is about spreading the word about what we're doing and why we're doing it.  This trip is about talking to people along the way and letting everyone know about the challenges faced by affordable housing groups in the US.  This trip is (for me) about being thankful for what I have and intentionally giving that up for a few months to make a difference.

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