Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Countdown Starts!

4! 15! 29! 30!
It's The Final Countdown!!!! (Cue guitar solo)

What does that mean????
1. I have 4 weekends left to make the most out of (and one of them will be up in NY with family).
2. I have 15 days left of work before my Bike & Build adventure starts!
3. I have 29 days left before I hit the road on a road trip down to Jacksonville, FL.
4. I have 30 days (1 month!) left before this Bike & Build business gets real.

How much do I have left to do?  Lots of course.  I still have 40 thank you cards to hand-write, many training miles to put on, a room to clean up, tasks at work to finish, and a theater to get ready for the summer.  How will I do all of this in my little time left?  I don't know!!!!

Regardless, what I don't have to worry about anymore are donations!  You guys have come through in a fantastic manner and have really blown me away. To everyone who has helped and donated, I am super stoked to say

How much have I raised?  $1? $4500? $5000?  Nope, I have raised $6440 for affordable housing already and there's still another month left to go!  I cannot believe the generosity of everyone and the amount of support that you have shown for me in this endeavor, so thank you all from the bottom of my heart!

On a final note, to those of you whom I have not thanked yet, I sincerely apologize.  I have had so little time at home in the past few months with trying to juggle everything on my plate that I have fallen severely behind on thank you cards and follow-up correspondence.  As long as I have your name and your address, I do promise that there will be one on its way to you before I leave on this trip, and that everyone can expect a postcard from me from some point along my journey :)


By the way, I had the chance to go on a nice bike ride on the B&OD trail with a mix of B&B alumni and newbies two weekends ago.  What an awesome group of people!  Next up is my 65-mile training ride this weekend with JoBeth.  I'm definitely looking forward to it!!!

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